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♥♥☺low',ahhh me'? secret,but kind',je and funny.♥♥☺

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☺♣Who are Computer criminals and their object?♠☺

☺Swiss researchers have shown that computer criminals can misuse the electromagnetic
signals produced by when buttons of a keyword to eavesdrop on what a user types.
Computer criminals can hear what you type on a keyboard.

☺To be sure, some computer criminals are mean and sinister types. But many more
wear business suits, have university degrees, and appear to be pillars of their
communities. Some high school or university students. Other are middle-aged business
executives. Some are mentally deranged, overtly hostile, or extremely committed
to a cause, and they attack computers as a symbol. Others are ordinary people
tempted by personal profit, revenge, challenge, advancement, or job security.
No single profile captures the characteristics of a "typical" computer criminal,
and many who fit the profile are not criminals at all.

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